About ABC Pest Control & Wildlife, Inc.

Honest - Local - Effective

Bed bugs have become a major problem over the last decade. They are easy travelers and will hitchhike on anything brought into your home. Once established, they can breed very quickly. The most common ways bed bugs get into your home are from used furniture, hotels/motels, daycares, and movie theaters. Most people don't see the bugs, but will begin to notice bites. The bed bug will typically bite several times in a single area, usually in a group or a line. Bites can sometimes cause a reaction. Bed bugs ARE treatable and there is no reason to discard your belongings. Bed bugs have not been found to carry or transmit diseases, but they can make your life extremely uncomfortable.

Fun Facts:

  • Bed bugs are flattened insects from mahogany to rust color that feed on mammals or bird blood.
  • Nymphs are translucent and darken as they feed and mature.
  • Excretion of blood meal leaves spots on bedding.
  • Sometimes bites are in a row of little dots on the person's body.
  • They are nocturnal.

How to prepare for a bed bug extermination:

  • Customer should make all areas of the residence accessible to the technician. For example: closets, garages, basement, attics, and closed off areas that need a key or special entry.
  • Clean out all the clutter. Bed bugs love to hide in dark places, so the less items in the room, the better.
  • Remove all bedding from mattresses, gather all linens, clothing, pillows, mattress covers, curtains, anything that is machine washable and wash in HOT water and dry in the dryer.
  • Dry non-washable clothes and other items for 20 minutes at a medium or high setting. The heat of the dryer should kill the infestation.
  • After washing, place items in storage bins or garbage bags and wrap securely to prevent reinfestation.
  • Empty closets in rooms where bugs have been found or where linens and towels are stored since the exterminator needs access into these spaces. Closets, drawers, couches, chairs, baseboards, bedframes, electrical outlet covers and surrounding areas will be some of the places where treatment will be applied.
  • Vacuum floors, carpets, nooks and crannies. Target baseboards and cracks in the walls and floors and vacuum the crevices of sofas. After vacuuming, seal the vacuum cleaner bag inside another plastic trash bag and throw it outside in the trash.
  • Move objects away from the perimeter of rooms such as your sofa and bed in order for the exterminator to have access to the perimeter of the rooms where bugs have been found (bedrooms and living rooms).
  • Pets and people need to vacate the premises for 2-4 hours.

When you call be sure to mention code "BB30"
for $30 OFF our full bed bug service!​


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