Bee Proofing

You don't have to live with bees...

An invasion of bees in your home can pose health risks for you and your family. A large bee colony can cause damage to your walls, roof, and chimney. As the hive grows larger, melting wax, honey and waste products can push through walls leaving stains on your wallpaper and painted surfaces. You should always seek the help of a pest control professional to first identify the species of bees that you have, and then determine the proper steps for safe removal.

ABC pest does NOT exterminate honey bees.
We recommend you get in touch with a local beekeeper.

BEES will always be a nuisance, especially when you are trying to entertain outdoors. They are attracted to gardens, water, trees, food & drinks. We can not completely eliminate them all but we can greatly reduce their numbers & prevent them from nesting in or on your home.

If you come across a “ground” nest – do NOT try to burn it. This may lead to property damage and/or personal injury.

In late summer/early fall, bees may enter your home/business in search of a warm place to overwinter. Be very vigilant at this time of year to any steady activity moving in & out of a particular area. This will usually be upper areas of the structure. If they do get inside, you may notice a chewing or humming sound coming from the ceiling or walls. You may notice a dark/wet spot on a ceiling. Once these signs become obvious you MUST call in a professional. Do not poke the ceiling & do not get trapped in an attic or crawlspace with a nest of angry bees.

Never seal an entry point from the outside unless the nest has been completely exterminated, as the bees will look for another exit point, which may lead them indoors.

Do not be alarmed if you still have bee activity for several days even after a nest has been completely removed. These “strays” or “stragglers” will move on to find a new home elsewhere.

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